best payroll agency

With our global workforce solutions we help companies worldwide expand in full compliance with local and international regulations, as fast as they need.

best staffing agency

Our LATAM payroll solutions allow our clients to employ 1 or 100 professionals in Latin America within days.

best payroll agency

Operate in LATAM countries with ease while eliminating the obstacles and risks of sourcing, onboarding, and managing an international workforce.

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Our soft landing services in Latin America support you with local consultancy, business solutions, market intelligence, and everything you need to develop your presence in Latin America.

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Our staffing, recruitment, and workforce outsourcing solutions help you set in motion a new LATAM team quickly and efficiently while minimizing cost and inconvenience.


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Latam Recruitment 

The difficulty to select and engage with high-quality professional talent is especially acute in Latin America

Cultural differences, disparate legal systems, and 

shifting politics play a significant role in recruiting and hiring practices for each country 



Ease and expedite your LATAM expansion with our soft-landing services in Latin America

Let us know the type of professional employee you need, and our LATAM staffing team will source the perfect candidate and manage the onboarding process in total compliance with local rules and according to your company guidelines. You can use our resources for temporary projects, staff augmentation needs, or to speed up your expansion.

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best payroll agency
Our multilingual recruiters are expert talent matchmakers. They leverage technology to rapidly access diverse talent pools that align perfectly with your job requirements and company culture.

LATAM Payroll

Soft-landing services in Latin America

Our duty is to ease the payroll, benefits, tax, and compliance responsibility for your LATAM workers, and help with your expansion seamlessly. We remove the challenge and complexity, and help you onboard LATAM talent quickly without the need of a local entity.

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Soft Landing Services

We are a one-stop workforce solution for numerous blue-chip companies in a wide range of industries. Our local expertise ensures your operations are fully compliant in each Latin American country, so you can focus on the expansion of your business.

You can expand to Latin America in just a few days, without the need to open a local entity. Expand quickly in full compliance with local laws, while engaging with great professional Latin American talent, containing costs & mitigating risk.  We deliver soft landing services such as staffing, market research, business process outsourcing, payroll processing, high volume / technical recruitment and executive search.   GMK is a fully insured, diversity-certified enterprise preferred by Fortune 500 clients. For more information, we invite you to contact us.

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Your Next Employee/s Are One Step Away

    Solutions In LATAM